Category: Featured
A top documentary director finds a billionaire backer
It’s time to make the fashion industry more eco-friendly. Here’s how.
Now that gift-giving season is over, gift-returning season is in full swing. And while returning an itchy sweater or ill-fitting shoes might feel like the…
Cecilia Vicuña and Julian Charrière awarded MOCA LA’s inaugural art and environment prize
Don’t rely on chance meetings for scientific discoveries
The Smithsonian Institution would do well to acquire the sluggish photocopier that served the third floor of the University of Pennsylvania’s clinical research building in…
L’appello ecologista di Wendy Schmidt (Sailing for Ocean Health)
There is nothing quite as stunning as the crisp blue Gulf of Trieste dotted with thousands of trimmed sails, a sight that greets hundreds of…
Forces for good
Into the blue
Introducing The Hive
How can one person help save the ocean? Compost.
Our oceans are in trouble. What can one person do to save them? Compost. Yes, composting — creating that “black gold” of decomposed food scraps…